年龄相关性黄斑变性(age-related macular degeneration,AMD)是一种与年龄相关的致盲性退行性眼底病变,全球约有3 000万老年黄斑变性患者,每年约有50万人因此致盲。随着我国经济发展及人口老龄化的加剧,AMD在我国发病率呈逐年上升的趋势,现已跃居我国第三大致盲原因。目前,AMD的发病机制尚不完全明确,可能与氧化应激,炎症免疫反应,VEGF形成及遗传调控密切相关。临床上主要有光动力疗法、药物治疗、放射治疗、激光光凝、黄斑下手术、经瞳孔温热治疗、中医药治疗以及玻璃体腔注射VEGF拮抗剂如雷珠单抗、康柏西普等方法。本文主要就AMD有关的流行病学因素做一系统阐述,并重点就遗传调控方面取得的进展进行综述。
[Key word]
Age-related macular degeneration(AMD)is a kind of age-related blinding degenerative fundus lesions, totally about 30 million patients suffering from AMD all over the world, with about 500 000 people blind for it yearly. As the development of economy and the aging of the population intensified, incidence of AMD indicates a trend of rising year by year, being the third major cause of blindness in our country. At present, the pathogenesis of AMD is not fully clear, as reported it may be related to oxidative stress, inflammatory immune response, VEGF and genetic manipulation. Clinical treatments mainly include photodynamic therapy, drug therapy, radiation therapy, laser photocoagulaory operation, the pupil warm treatments, Chinese medicine and intravitreous injection VEGF antagonists such as Ranibizumab, Conbercept and so on. In this issue, we mainly expound on the progress in the epidemiological studies of AMD, especially elaborate the progress made on genetic manipulation in recent years.
国家自然科学基金资助( No.81170858)