方法:选取我科2012-01/2014-01的白内障患者共73例120眼,其中皮质性白内障32例52眼,核性白内障18例33眼,后囊下白内障23例35眼,同时选取同期正常人40例40眼。观察所有入选者的角膜散光和全眼总散光; 采用自动眩光对比敏感度检查仪检查不同视角的对比敏感度。
结果:皮质性白内障组、核性白内障组和后囊下白内障组的角膜散光和全眼总散光显著高于正常组(P<0.05); 白内障三组患者的角膜散光和全眼总散光无显著差异(P>0.05)。皮质性白内障组、核性白内障组和后囊下白内障组的对比敏感度在全频段均显著低于正常组(P<0.05); 后囊下白内障组的对比敏感度在全频段均显著低于皮质性白内障组和核性白内障组(P<0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM: To analyze the significance of intraocular scattered light and contrast sensitivity in cataract patient's visual quality.
METHODS: Seventy-three cases of cataract patients(120 eyes)in our department from January 2012 to January 2014 were selected, of which 32 cases(52 eyes)were cortical cataract, 18 cases(33 eyes)were nuclear cataract, 23 cases(35 eyes)were posterior subcapsular cataract, and 40 normal persons(40 eyes)were as the normal group. The full-eye corneal astigmatism and total astigmatism were observed in all those enrolled. The contrast sensitivity of different perspective was checked by automatic glare contrast sensitivity tester.
RESULTS: The corneal astigmatism and full eye total astigmatism in the cortical cataract group, nuclear cataract group and the posterior capsule cataract group was significantly higher than that in the normal group(P<0.05). The total astigmatism was no significant difference cataract in three groups of patients with corneal astigmatism and total full eye astigmatism(P>0.05). The contrast sensitivity in the cortical cataract group, nuclear cataract group and posterior subcapsular cataract group in the whole band were significantly lower than the normal group(P<0.05). The contrast sensitivity of posterior subcapsular cataract group in the whole band was significantly lower than cortical cataract groups and nuclear cataract group(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Intraocular scatter light and contrast sensitivity joint inspection can effectively evaluate the visual quality of cataract patients, which lead to early treatment.