方法:对93例93眼孔源性视网膜脱离随机分为两组,A组47例采用显微镜直视下行孔源性视网膜脱离复位手术; B组46例采用直接检眼镜下行孔源性视网膜脱离复位手术。观察术后2wk手术成功率及视力提升率。
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AIM: To compare the effect and advantage of performing rhegmatogenous retina detachment surgery under operation microscope with under direct ophthalmoscopes.
METHODS: Ninety-three patients(93 eyes)were randomized to two groups, Group A(under operation microscope during rhegmatogenous retina detachment surgery, 47 cases), Group B(under direct ophthalmoscopes during rhegmatogenous retina detachment surgery, 46 cases). All patients were followed up for 2wk to observe success rate and visual improving rate.
RESULTS: Total percentage of success was 95.74% in group A and 80.43% in group B. The visual improving rate of group A was 82.98% and it was 67.39% in group B. Operative time in group A was significantly shorter than that in group B(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Performing rhegmatogenous retina detachment surgery under operation microscope is ascertaining and it is more effective and handy than performing that surgery under direct ophthalmoscopes.