目的:探索以屈光要素角膜屈折力CD(cornea diopter)、前房深度ACD(anterior chamber depth)、晶状体厚度LENS(lens thickness)、玻璃体腔深度VITR(vitreous depth)、眼轴长度AL(ocular axis longitude)的生物测量值推算高中生眼屈光度的方法。
[Key word]
AIM: To explore a formula between the diopter, cornea diopter(CD), anteriou chamber depth(ACD), lens thickness(LENS), vitreous depth(VITR), and ocular axis longitude(AL)of high school students in certain middle school, and to predict the diopter with the biometry data of refractive factors on the students.
METHODS: The related ocular examinations were performed to 364 eyes of 182 high school students in certain middle school by cluster sampling method. Optometry was for diopter and A-ultrasonic biometry was for ACD, LENS, VITR, and AL. The data were analyzed with SPSS to sum up a poly-variation liner regression formula that can express their quantitative relationship.
RESULTS: A poly-variation liner regression was got. The formula was D=69.750-0.724×CD-0.630×ACD-2.207×LENS-1.728×VITR(r=0.87).
CONCLUSION: The diopter of high school students seems able to be predicted through biometric data of CD, ACD, LENS and VITR.