目的:研究MRG15(死亡因子相关基因)在年龄相关性白内障(age-related cataract,ARC)、正常晶状体上皮细胞的表达差异。
方法:性成熟的健康雌性SD大鼠40只,随机分为研究组、对照组,每组20只,研究组切除双侧卵巢、低浓度萘长间隔给药,建立围绝经期ARC模型; 对照组常规饲养。以消减杂交改良法克隆MRG15,并对其cDNA片段应用地高辛标记制作探针。获取两组大鼠晶状体前囊膜切片后,再通过原位杂交法明确晶状体上皮细胞的表达差异。
[Key word]
AIM:To study the MRG15(death factor related gene)in age-related cataract(ARC), differential expression of normal lens epithelial cells.
METHODS: Forty mature healthy female SD rats were randomly divided into study group and control group, 20 rats in each group, the study group were ovariectomized, low concentration of naphthalene long interval of administration, the establishment of perimenopausal ARC model, the control group of conventional farming. In the subtractive hybridization cloning by MRG15, and make the probe of the cDNA fragment using digoxigenin labeled. Access to the two groups of rats anterior lens capsule after slicing, and then through the differential expression in situ hybridization clear lens epithelial cells.
RESULTS: The cloned MRG15 through BamH1, EcoR1 enzyme digestion and agarose gel electrophoresis, available for 639bp long cDNA fragment. GeneBank display contrast, their homology was 99.0%. In situ hybridization, ARC patients and normal lens epithelial cells were observed in the expression of MRG15. Study group the percentage of positive cells compared with control group, showed a significant difference(P<0.05). Integral index study group and the control group compared with, was significantly difference(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: ARC, MRG15 in normal lens epithelial cells expressed ARC, and compared with the normal expression of lens epithelial cells, which may produce inhibitory effects are associated with MRG15 transcription in human lens epithelial cells in the part of key genes, by reducing the lens epithelial cell function, make its appear aging, and the formation of cataract, clinical response to this should further study.