结果:患者256眼中,总治愈242眼(94.5%),失败14眼(5.5%),大于10月龄的患者鼻泪管阻塞明显增多,其治愈率明显降低; 随着年龄增长治疗次数增加(Spearman等级相关分析,rs=0.746,P<0.01); Hasner瓣阻塞226眼,全部治愈; 鼻泪管骨性部分阻塞30眼,治愈16眼(治愈率53.3%); 两个部位阻塞的治愈率有明显差别; 无假道、感染病例。
结论:一次性泪道冲洗联合泪道探通术治疗新生儿泪囊炎安全、效果好,1~9月龄是最佳治疗年龄; 随着年龄增长,治愈率降低。
[Key word]
AIM: To explore the treatment effect of initial lacrimal passage irrigation and probing in neonatal dacryocystitis.
METHODS: In this retrospective case series study, 224 outpatients( 256 eyes )with neonatal dacryocystitis were selected from January 2012 to December 2012 in our hospital.The patients were divided into 5 groups(1~3mo, 4~60mo, 7~9mo, 10~12mo and >12mo). Initial lacrimal passage irrigation and probing were operated, the therapeutic effect of different groups were compared.
RESULTS: In this study, 256 eyes of 224 cases, 242 eyes(94.5%)were cured and 14 eyes(5.5%)were failed. Bony nasolacrimal duct obstruction happened more obviously in children aged more than 10mo with lower cure rate. More probing was required with the children aged(Spearman rank correlation analysis, γs=0.746, P<0.01). All of the 226 eyes with Hasner valve obstruction were cured. Bony nasolacrimal duct obstruction was 30 eyes, 16 eyes were cured(the cure rate was 53.3%). The cure rate of two parts of the obstruct had significant difference. There were no cases of infection and false passage.
CONCLUSION: The treatment of primary lacrimal passage irrigation and probing in neonatal daryocystitisis effective and safe, the optimal timing of treatment is 1~9mo. With the growth of age, the cure rate is decreased.