以往弱视神经机制研究主要集中于以视觉电生理为代表的二维表现形式,这些方式主要研究外侧膝状体之前的功能状态,对于视中枢的研究多处于动物模型阶段,无法准确探知人类弱视神经机制。易受多种因素影响,很难完成对弱视治疗效果的评价。功能核磁共振(functional MRI, fMRI)可无创、准确、以三维形式呈现视皮层神经元的功能活动状态,为弱视神经机制及治疗效果评价提供了可靠依据。本文就弱视神经机制及治疗后效果评价的fMRI研究进行综述。
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In the past, the ways to amblyopia neural mechanism research are given priority to visual electrophysiology and so on, which express the result use two-dimensional form, these ways mainly research the functions of the state before the lateral geniculate body. For the study of optic center, animal models are used to research it. But these kinds of methods are unable to accurately detect amblyopia neural mechanisms of human beings. Vulnerable to a variety of factors, it is difficult to finish the amblyopia treatment effect evaluation. Functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI)can reflect the three-dimensional visual cortex neuron activity noninvasively and accurately, and give rise to amblyopia neural mechanism and therapeutic effect evaluation. Therefore, in this paper, the amblyopia neural mechanisms and visual center after treatment effect evaluation of fMRI research progress are summarized.