糖尿病发病率越来越高,现代人饮食结构调整,高热量食品摄入过多与此关系密切。目前糖尿病患病率已从2003年的7%增至2010年的14%\〖1\〗。糖尿病可以引起各种各样的眼部疾病,如角膜溃疡、青光眼、玻璃体出血等。但最常见而且对视力影响较大的是糖尿病视网膜病变和白内障两种。目前对于糖尿病视神经病变(diabetic optic neuropathy,DON)的研究不如对糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)的研究广泛,DON的临床表现虽不特异,但发生广泛,也是造成失明的重要原因。本文收集目前国内外对DON采用的各种检查手段及早期诊断的依据,尽量对该病做到早期发现,介入治疗,争取良好的治疗效果,本文就各种类型的检查方法做一介绍。
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Increasing incidence of diabetes, diet restructuring with excessive intake of high-calorie foods closely related with this. Currently diabetes prevalence rate increased from 7% in 2003 to 14% in 2010. Diabetes can cause a variety of eye diseases, such as corneal ulcers, glaucoma, vitreous hemorrhage and so on. Diabetic retinopathy and cataract are the most common and greater impact on patients. At present, study for diabetic retinopathy(DR)is wider than diabetes optic neuropathy(DON). Clinical manifestations of DON are not specific, but DON occurred extensively, also contributed to an important cause of blindness.In this paper, we collected a variety of inspection and early diagnosis methods, try to achieve early detection, interventional therapy and good treatment for this disease. Here to make a presentation on the various types of inspection methods.