方法:通过睫状肌麻痹检影验光及光学生物测量仪(IOL Master)获得44例88眼的屈光不正度数、眼轴、角膜屈光力、前房深度等参数,经计算得到晶状体度数。直线相关与回归比较前房深度和年龄及各屈光参数之间的关系。
结果:受试者44例88眼,平均年龄9.04±2.39岁,等效球镜(SE)-3.50~+8.75D; 三组间前房深度无明显差别,男性与女性间前房深度无差别; 前房深度与年龄之间存在负相关关系,相关系数r=-0.323,ACD/AL与年龄呈负相关,相关系数r=-0.516; 晶状体屈光力与年龄呈正相关,相关系数为0.414; 前房深度与晶状体屈光力呈负相关,相关系数r=-0.392; 角膜屈光力与年龄呈负相关,相关系数r=-0.461; 前房深度与角膜屈光力之间呈微弱的正相关,相关系数r=0.295。
结论:受试儿童眼球的前房随年龄逐渐变浅,在眼轴中所占的比例不断降低; 由角膜、晶状体、房水及前房组成的组合透镜屈光力随年龄下降,同时玻璃体腔变长,正符合儿童眼球正视化的要求。
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AIM: To evaluate the relationship between anterior chamber depth(ACD)and age, crystalline lens power, corneal refractive power, and axial length(AL).
METHODS: Totally 44 children(88 eyes)with refractive error who underwent retinoscopy with cycloplegia, to be measured spherical equivalent refractive error. AL, corneal K and ACD were measured by a noncontact optical biometry(ZEISS IOL-Master). The crystalline lens power was calculated by using the SRK formula. Linear Correlation and Regression were used to evaluate the correlation between the ACD and the other optical parameters.
RESULTS:Totally 44 subjects, 88 eyes, average 9.04±2.39 years, spherical equivalent(SE)-3.50~+8.75D. No significant differences were found among the 3 groups about ACD. Neither between male and female. There was a negative correlation between ACD and age(r=-0.323), ACD/AL and age(r=-0.516), ACD and lens power(r=-0.392), corneal K and age(r=-0.461). While a positive correlation between lens power and age(r=0.414). A week positive correlation was found between ACD and corneal K(r=0.295).
CONCLUSION: When aging, the subjects' anterior chamber becomes more and more shallow. The ratio of ACD and AL decreases. The power of the combination lens, which is formed by cornea, crystalline lens, aqueous humor and anterior chamber, decreases. The length of vitreous chamber increases. All the above meet the requirements of emmetropization for children.