方法:观察68例住院患者眼部蠕形螨感染情况,收集每例患者双眼上下睑共8条睫毛,进行蠕形螨计数,分别记录毛囊蠕形螨和皮脂蠕形螨数量。用Western blot分析从蔬菜芽胞杆菌分离出来的两种蛋白62-kDa和83-kDa与患者血清的免疫反应情况。
结果:所有68例患者无面部红斑痤疮,无眼睑炎,按血清反应分阳性和阴性两组,年龄匹配(P=0.888),性别匹配(P=0.595); 按睫毛蠕形螨感染分阳性和阴性两组,年龄匹配(P=0.590),性别匹配(P=0.329)。血清免疫反应与眼部蠕形螨感染无统计学相关关系(P=0.925),在蠕形螨感染阳性组38例中27例(71%)血清反应阳性,在蠕形螨感染阴性组30例中,血清反应阳性21例(70%)。与蠕形螨计数也无统计学相关关系(P=0.758)。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate correlation between ocular Demodex infestation and serum immunoreactivity.
METHODS:Demodex counting of 68 inpatients was performed based on eight lashes sampling. Serum immunoreactivity to two 62-kDa and 83-kDa proteins derived from B oleronius was determined by Western blot analysis.
RESULTS: These 68 patients without facialrosacea or blepharitis were age matched(P=0.888)and gender matched(P=0.595)regarding serum immunoreactivity or ocular Demodex infestation. According to the eyelash, creep mite infection was divided into positive and negative groups, age-matched(P=0.590)and sex-matched(P=0.329). There was no significant correlation between serum immunoreactivity and Demodex infestation(P=0.925). There were 27 patients with positive serum immunoreactivity in 38 patients with Demodex infestation(71%), and there were 21 patients in 30 patients without Demodex infestation(70%). There was no significant correlation between serum immunoreactivity and Demodex counting(P=0.758).
CONCLUSION: It is unnecessary to perform serum analysis when Demodex can be found in asymptomatic individuals. But treatment of reducing lashes Demodex infestation is necessary when patient with blepharitis was detected Demodex in eye lashes and positive serum immunoreactivity.
广东省科技计划项目(No. 2010B031600304)