目的:评价图形视觉诱发电位(pattern visual evoked potentials, P-VEP)、眼底照相、视野和光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography, OCT)对青光眼患者检查的可靠性。
结果:患者83例95眼中,视野检查成功获取阳性病例图像73眼(76.8%),无法获取图像22眼(23.2%); 眼底照像成功获取阳性病例图像75眼(78.9%),无法获取图像20眼(21.1%); 获得P-VEP阳性病例47眼(49.5%),未见明显异常26眼(27.3%),无法采集图像22眼(23.2%); 成功获取OCT阳性病例图像81眼(85.3%),无法获取OCT图像14眼(14.7%)。
[Key word]
AIM: To study visual electrophysiological examination of pattern visual evoked potentials(P-VEP), fundus photography, visual field and optical coherence tomography(OCT), and to predict the relative examinations of glaucoma patients.
METHODS: Visual elctrophysiological examination, fundus photography, visual field and OCT were used to evaluate the glaucoma patients in 83 cases(95 eyes). The results of the positive rate was analyzed the relationship according to P-VEP, fundus photography, visual field and OCT.
RESULTS: In 83 cases(95 eyes), visual field inspection successfully acquired positive cases images of 73 eyes(76.8%), unable to get image 22 eyes(23.2%); Fundus camera image captured positive cases 75 eyes(78.9%), unable to get images of 20 eyes(21.1%); Get valuable the P-VEP in 47 eyes(49.5%), the P-VEP saw no obvious abnormal in 26 eyes(27.3%), unable to get images of 22 eyes(23.2%); OCT image captured positive cases 81 eyes(85.3%), unable to get images of 14 eyes(14.7%).
CONCLUSION: Visual elctrophysiological detection, P-VEP, fundus photography, visual field and OCT can predict the visual acuity of glaucoma patients.