方法:原发性翼状胬肉30例30眼行翼状胬肉切除联合角膜缘干细胞移植术,手术前后分别用超声生物显微镜(ultrasound biomicroscopy,UBM)测量术眼中央前房深度以及前房上、下、鼻、颞四个方向的房角开放距离(angle open distance,AOD)及房角开放度数(open angle,AA),并观察眼压。
结果:术前与术后的眼压分别为15.17±10.6,16.23±2.61mmHg; 中央前房深度分别为2.28±0.39, 2.33±0.24mm; 四个方向的AOD及AA比较均无统计学差异。
[Key word]
AIM: To observe the effect of anterior chamber depth and angle change after pterygium excision.
METHODS:Thirty cases(30 eyes)of primary pterygium were underwent pterygium excision. Central anterior chamber depth, four direction angle open distance(AOD)and open angle(AA)were measured preoperatively and postoperatively by ultrasound biomicroscopy(UBM)and the intraocular pressure was observed.
RESULTS:Preoperative and Postoperative intraocular pressure were 15.17±10.6 and 16.23±2.61mmHg, and the central anterior chamber depth were 2.28±0.39 and 2.33±0.24mm. The four directions of AOD and AA were no statistical difference.
CONCLUSION:The anterior chamber depth and the angle change is not obvious after pterygium excision.