方法:将40例原发翼状胬肉病例按手术方式分为2组(每组20例):第一组为小切口组,手术先在翼状胬肉体部切一小口,经其分离结膜与结膜下的变性筋膜组织; 而第二组则先用刀片将翼状胬肉头部从角膜分离,然后再分离结膜与结膜下的变性筋膜组织。第一组分离翼状胬肉头部时采用类似角膜瓣成型的方法,用镊子钝性分离而不是用刀片。分别观察两组的手术时间、疼痛程度和创面愈合,进行比较。
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AIM: To verify the advantages of an improved protocol for pterygium surgery(small incision removal)over a conventional protocol of this surgery.
METHODS: Totally 40 primary pterygium cases were divided into two groups(n=20 each)according to the protocols: small incision removal versus conventional removal. In our small incision removal, group 1, the pterygium body was cut open with a small incision firstly, through which the conjunctiva was separated from the underlying degenerated Tenon's layer; while in the conventional protocol, group 2, the whole head of pterygium was taken down before the separation. Then the head of pterygium was torn down in our protocol using a forceps instead of cutting it down with a blade, which was facilitated by a special corneal epithelial flap formation method. Surgery time, pain score and corneal wound healing were measured to provide objective comparison of outcome between the two protocols.
RESULTS: In the group using small incision removal, the average surgery time was 7.72min(or 48.9%)shorter than that of the control group using conventional protocol(P<0.001). The pain score was lower and the corneal wound was healed better in day 1 and 2 after the surgery in the small incision group(P<0.001). In addition, the surgery can be done by one surgeon using the small incision protocol, while the surgery using the conventional protocol requires two persons.
CONCLUSION: The small incision pterygium removal protocol was easier to perform and resulted in a better outcome than the conventional protocol.