真菌性角膜炎(fungal keratitis,FK)是一种由致病真菌引起的、致盲率极高的感染性角膜病,随着现代医学的发展,早期患者或者对药物敏感的真菌感染患者,药物或手术治愈率较前有了明显的提高,但是晚期患者及对药物不敏感的致病真菌感染患者,药物难以控制、溃疡迁延不愈、病情进展恶化,目前仍旧是临床上角膜盲的主要病因之一。在文中我们将就真菌性角膜炎药物及手术治疗的近5a国内外的研究进展作一综述。
[Key word]
Fungal keratitis(FK)is an infectious corneal disease caused by pathogenic fungi and has an extremely high rate of blindness. With the development of modern medicine, drugs or surgery treament rate had more obvious enhancement than before for fungal infection in patients at early stage or with drug sensitivity. However, difficulty of being controlled through drugs, resulting the delayed healing of ulcer, deterioration of disease progression are still one of the main clinical causes of corneal blindness at present for fungal infection in patients at advanced stage and without drug sensitivity. In this paper, we reviewed about the drugs and surgical treatment progress of FK according to the studies in the past 5a at home and abroad.