方法:对2013-03/08来我院近视门诊行准分子激光手术的近视眼126例252眼,男48例96眼,女78例156眼, 年龄18~45(平均24.23±5.35)岁,应用IOL Master测量角膜直径\〖white-to-white(WTW)\〗距离。对252眼都采用NIDEK RT-2100综合验光仪进行主觉验光,并换算成等效球镜\〖Spherical equivalent(SE)\〗,按照等效球镜度数分成3组:轻度近视(-3.00D结果:全部病例角膜直径平均值为11.52±0.41mm,其中男性角膜直径11.60±0.35mm,女性11.43±0.36mm,性别间角膜直径有统计学意义( t=0.021,P=0.009); 右眼平均角膜直径(11.53±0.40mm)与左眼(11.51±0.42mm)比较无显著统计学差异(t=-0.115,P=0.912); 低度、中度和高度近视者的角膜直径的平均值分别为11.59±0.39、11.48±0.40、11.45±0.41mm,角膜直径与屈光度间呈负相关性(R2=-0.001,P=0.001),且三组近视患者角膜直径之间存在显著统计学差异(F=4.487, P=0.004)。结论:近视眼手术人群中男性角膜直径大于女性; 近视程度越高,角膜直径越短。
[Key word]
AIM: To explore the difference in corneal diameter between genders, right and left eyes, and the correlation between spherical equivalent(SE)by measuring the corneal diameter of myopia operation patients,.
METHODS: Corneal horizontal diameters \〖white-to-white(WTW)distance\〗 were measured with IOL Master of German Zeiss company in 126 myopia cases(252 eyes)undergone excimer laser operation, male 48 cases(96 eyes)and female 78 cases(156 eyes), aged between 18~45 years(average age 24.23±5.35 years), from March 2013 to August 2013 in our myopia outpatient. Subjective refraction was adopted by NIDEK RT-2100 comprehensive refractometer for each eye, and converted into the SE. Eyes were divided into three groups according to the SE as follows: group 1(low myopia group, -3.00DRESULTS: The average corneal diameter was 11.52±0.41mm. The average corneal diameter was 11.60±0.35mm in males compared with 11.43±0.36mm in females, the differences in gender were significant in the t-test for independent samples(t=0.021, P=0.009). The average corneal diameter was 11.53±0.40mm in right eyes and 11.51±0.42mm in left eyes, there were no significant differences between right and left eyes in the t-test for paired samples(t=-0.115, P=0.912). Corneal diameters classified with SE were 11.59±0.39mm, 11.48±0.40mm and 11.45±0.41mm respectively for low, moderate and high myopia. The corneal diameter was negatively correlated with the SE(R2=0.001, P=0.001). Differences among three groups proved to be significant in the ANOVA(F=4.487, P=0.004). CONCLUSION: The corneal diameter in myopia operation patients is significantly greater in males than that in females, but no significant differences between the right and left eyes. The corneal diameter is negatively correlated with the SE. The higher the degree of myopia, the shorter the corneal diameter.