方法:选择2013-10/2015-02我院收治的患者,共34例34眼,经临床诊断为外伤性视神经挫伤,随机分为2组。治疗组22例22眼,主要采用鼠神经生长因子30μg, 每日1次,用2.0mL注射用水溶解,肌肉注射,用药42d,同时给予糖皮质激素类及维生素类药物; 对照组12例12眼,除不加用鼠神经生长因子外,其他用药同治疗组。所有2组患者均在用药第21、42d复查视力和VEP。
结果:用药42d后,治疗组最佳矫正视力差异有统计学意义(P<0.05); 治疗组VEP P100波潜伏期为104.59±7.54ms,振幅5.12±1.48μV,对照组分别为113.25±9.21ms,4.69±1.89μV,两组之间的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05); 治疗组有效率82%,对照组42%,两组比较有统计学意义(P=0.026)。
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AIM: To observethe changes of visual evoked potential(VEP)of optic nerve contusion treated with mouse nerve growth factor and estimate the efficacy of mouse nerve growth factor.
METHODS: Thirty-four cases(34 eyes)of optic nerve contusion enrolled from October 2013 to February 2015 were selected and randomly divided into two groups. The treatment group 22 patients(22 eyes)was given the mouse nerve growth factor 30μg, with 2.0mL dissolved in water for injection, intramuscular injection once daily, with an average treatment of 42d, while for the hormones and vitamins medication treatment. For the control group 12 cases(12 eyes), mouse nerve growth factor was not used, other drugs were the same as the treatment group. All patients were accepted a review of vision and VEP at 21, 42d after the treatment.
RESULTS: After 42d treatment, the difference of best corrected visual acuity showed statistical significance(P<0.05)and VEP P100 latent period was 104.59±7.54ms, amplitude was 5.12±1.48μV in treatment group. While, latent period was 113.25±9.21ms, amplitude was 4.69±1.89μV in control group. Also, VEP P100 latency of the two groups showed statistical significance(t=-3.132, P<0.05)after 42d treatment, while VEP P100 amplitude had the same conclusion(t=2.541, P<0.05). The effective rate was 82% in treatment group, while 42% in control group with significant difference(P=0.026).
CONCLUSION: Mouse nerve growth factor has significant efficacy on traumatic optic nerve contusion, the changes of VEP can accurately reflect the conclusion, and VEP has proved to be an important basis on estimating the clinical efficacy.