目的:短期观察超高度近视患者植入 ICL V4c术后的视觉质量。
方法:收集植入ICL V4c的超高度近视患者78例100眼的临床资料,术前近视屈光度数为-11.25~-20.00(-13.25±2.05)D,术前裸眼视力<0.10,术前和术后1mo对患者进行视力及屈光状态、对比敏感度及波前像差检查。
结果:术后裸眼视力≥0.7者97眼(97%),≥1.0者37眼(37%)。裸眼视力≥术前矫正视力者90眼(90%)。术后1mo各空间频率的对比敏感度和眩光对比敏感度均明显提高,差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05)。术后1mo患者总的高阶像差、彗差、球差、二次彗差及二次球差与术前相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后出现2眼自身晶状体混浊; 2眼眼压增高; 3眼出现角膜反应; 1眼出现夜间眩光和光晕,术后6mo上述症状基本稳定或消失。
结论:短期内超高度近视患者植入ICL V4c术后视觉质量得到了明显提高。
[Key word]
AIM:To observe the visual quality of super-high myopia after implantation of the visian implantable collamer lens with centra-flow(ICL V4c)in the short-term.
METHODS: The clinical date of 78 patients(100 eyes)were collected, the preoperative uncorrected visual acuity(UCVA)was below 0.10, spherical refraction was -13.25±2.05(-11.25~-20.00)D. The preoperative and postoperative refrative condition, wavefront aberration, visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were examined.
RESULTS: The postoperative UCVA in 97 eyes(97%)were equal to or more than 0.7. Thirty-seven eyes(37%)were equal to or more than 1.0. Both the contrast sensitivity and glare contrast sensitivity under high spatial frequency were increased at postoperative 1mo, there were statistical differences(all P<0.05). Both the higher-order aberrations, coma, spherical, second coma and second spherical were increased at postoperative 1mo, there were statistical differences(P<0.05). At postoperative 1mo, 2 eyes' original lens had cloudy, 2 eyes' intraocular pressure had increased, 3 eyes had corneal reaction, 1 eye had glare and halos. At postoperative 6mo, all visual symptoms almost disappeared.
CONCLUSION: The visual quality of super-high myopia after implantation of ICL V4c was improved obviously in short-term.