方法:确诊丝状角膜炎患者30例45眼,随机分为治疗组16例23眼、对照组14例22眼。治疗组取出丝状物后配戴软性角膜接触镜,点糖皮质激素眼液(1g/L氟米龙滴眼液)和人工泪液(玻璃酸钠眼液); 对照组取出丝状物后仅使用人工泪液(玻璃酸钠眼液)点眼。随访3mo,比较两组疗效。
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AIM: To study the clinical effect of 1g/L fluorometholone drops combined with soft corneal contact lens in the treatment of patients with filamentary keratitis.
METHODS: A total of 30 patients(45 eyes)were included in this study and were randomly divided into two groups: 16 patients(23 eyes)were in treatment group and 14 patients(22 eyes)in control group. In the treatment group, after removed filaments, the patients wore soft corneal contact lens and received corticosteroid eye drops(1g/L fluorometholone drops)and artificial tears(sodium hyaluronate). In the control group, patients received only artificial tears(sodium hyaluronate)after removed filaments. Clinical effects of the two groups were record. The patients were followed up for 3mo.
RESULTS: The total clinical effective rate of the patients in the treatment group was significantly higher than that in the control group(22 eyes vs 17 eyes, 96% vs 77%). The difference between two groups had statistical significance(U=1.992, P=0.046).
CONCLUSION: The results suggest that 1g/L fluorometholone drops combined with soft corneal contact lens is effective to patients with filamentary keratitis.