结果:患者35眼中,中、高度近视11眼。所有眼在Nd:YAG激光治疗后2h飞蚊症状均有改善; 3眼(9%)在术后1d有效; 11眼(31%)在术后7d有效; 27眼(77%)在术后30d有效; 术后30d有效率77%。2眼(6%)在术后7d接受二次激光治疗。治疗后1、7d,低度近视与中高度近视两组患者疗效无统计学差异; 治疗后30d,低度近视患者疗效优于中高度近视患者(P<0.01)。全部治疗眼术中和术后无并发症发生。
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AIM:To observe the effect of Nd:YAG laser on vitreous floaters.
METHODS:According to the criteria of the study,the 35 eyes of 35 patients with floaters determined by slitlamp with front mirror and type B ultrasound scan were enrolled.The Nd:YAG laser was used to destroy the vitreous floaters in order to make them easier to be absorbed. The changes of vitreous floaters, visual acuity, IOP, the results of slitlamp examination, type B ultrasound scan and complications were observed before and after the treatments several times.
RESULTS:There were 11 eyes with high or moderate myopia in the 35 eyes. In all patients,the spotted vision improved respectively 2h after the laser procedure.After Nd:YAG laser treatment,the spotted vision disappeared in 3 eyes(9%)within 24h,and in 11 eyes(31%)within 7d, and in 27 eyes(77%)within 30 d, and the effective rate was 77% after 30d.The second laser treatment performed 7d after the first laser treatment in 2 eyes(6%).There was no significant difference on efficacy between patients with low myopia and with high or moderate myopia. The treatment effect in patients with low myopia was better than that in patients with moderate or high myopia 30d after treatments(P<0.05). No complication occured in or after the treatments.
CONCLUSION:The Nd:YAG laser can destroy the vitreous floaters, make them easier to be absorbed and obviously improve the visual acuity, which is a effective way to treat vitreous floaters. Careful case selection may decrease the complication risk.