目的:通过泪道内窥镜了解泪道阻塞性疾病(lacrimal duct obstruction diseases,LDOD)患者泪道黏膜状态及阻塞的部位。
结果:患者年龄9~82(平均41.3)岁; 女210例230眼(83.6%),男34例45眼(16.4%); 左眼102例(41.8%),右眼111例(45.5%),双眼31例(12.7%),双眼患者选取溢泪或溢脓症状严重眼行泪道内窥镜的检查。以上244例275眼患者中,上泪小管阻塞2例2眼(0.7%),下泪小管阻塞13例13眼(4.7%),泪总管阻塞19例22眼(8%),鼻泪管阻塞164例186眼(67.6%),多部位阻塞46例52眼(18.9%)。各段泪道黏膜有黏膜充血、出血、纤维膜形成、瘢痕形成等多种表现,泪小管和泪囊以黏膜充血最常见,鼻泪管以纤维膜形成最常见。
[Key word]
AIM: To observe the location of the obstruction and the condition of mucosa in the patients who suffered from the lacrimal duct obstruction diseases(LDOD)through lacrimal endoscopy.
METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 244 patients(275 eyes)from Department of Ophthalmology in Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology from June 1st 2010 to June 1st 2012 were taken. All the patients were examined by lacrimal endoscopy and the results we observed were analyzed.
RESULTS:The age of the patients was 9~82(average 41.3)year old. There were 210 females with 230 eyes(83.6%)and 34 males with 45 eyes(16.4%); gender of eyes: 102 cases(41.8%)were left eyes, 111 cases(45.5%)were right eyes and 31 cases(12.7%)were binocular( in the 31 cases, the eye with more severe epiphora and pyorrhea was examined ). In all the 244 patients with 275 eyes, there were 2 eyes in 2 cases(0.7%)with the upper canaliculus obstructions, 13 eyes in 13 cases(4.7%)the lower canaliculus obstructions, 22 eyes in 19 cases(8%)with the general lacrimal passage obstructions, 186 eyes in 164 cases(67.6%)with the nasolacrimal duct obstructions, 52 eyes in 46 cases(18.9%)with combined parts obstructions. The mucosa conditions of each lacrimal passage were different, for example, hyperemia, hemorrhage, fibrous membranes, and cicatrisation and so on. But hyperemia was the most common at ones lacrimal canaliculus and lacrimal sac, and fibrous membrane was the most common one at nasolacrimal duct..
CONCLUSION: We can observe the obstructive locations and mucosa condition of the lacrimal passage through lacrimal endoscopy, and it plays an important role in the examination and further treatment of the LDOD.