结果:观察组与对照组患者的治疗有效率分别为94.3%(50/53)、84.9%(45/53); 观察组治疗前后的干眼症评分为3.24±0.52、0.32±0.06分,对照组治疗前后的干眼症评分为3.26±0.48、0.75±0.24分; 观察组治疗前后的泪膜破裂时间为5.67±3.052、12.95±2.865s,对照组治疗前后的泪膜破裂时间为6.23±2.985、9.85±2.714s,两组患者在各方面的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM:To observe the clinical efficacy of pranoprofen and sodium hyaluronate for dry eye, and to provide the reference for clinical treatment of dry eye.
METHODS: From January 2012 to January 2015 inour hospital, 106 patients with dry eye were tested and observed. In accordance with the number table, patients were divided into observation group and control group, 53 patients in the control group using conventional treatment plus single sodium hyaluronate eye drops, observation group using pranoprofen combined sodium hyaluronate eye drops, besides conventional treatment. Clinical outcomes between the two groups before and after treatments, dry eye score, fluorescein staining score, Schirmer I test and tear film break up time(BUT)were observed and analyzed.
RESULTS:The effective rates of the two groups were 94.3%(50/53)and 84.9%(45/53). Dry eye score of observation group before and after treatment were 3.24±0.52 and 0.32±0.06points, those of the control group were 3.26±0.48 and 0.75±0.24points. BUT of the experimental group before and after treatments were 5.67±3.052 and 12.95±2.865s, those of the control group were 6.23±2.985 and 9.85±2.714s.The differences between the two groups on the indicators above were statistically significant(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: The combination of pranoprofen and sodium hyaluronate for the treatment of dry eye is effective, with high security and water holding capacity, which can improve the symptoms of dry eye and the patients' life quality.