目的:检测西安地区汉族中青年人群的基础泪液分泌量,以及他们在4 300m高海拔地区居住1mo后的基础泪液分泌量; 为平原地区转战高海拔地区中青年人群干眼症的发生预防和干预措施提供依据。
方法:在正常志愿者43例86眼进行Schirmer试验,将泪液检测试纸悬挂于双眼中外1/3,5min后记录滤纸变色长度; 随后在高海拔地区在正常志愿者居住1mo后双眼进行同样检查。
结果:西安地区汉族正常中青年人群双眼基础泪液分泌量14.21±3.32mm; 进入高原居住1mo后基础泪液分泌量为20.10±6.62mm,与平原比较显著增加。
结论:西安地区正常中青年人群与其他地方比较双眼泪液分泌量有显著差异; 高海拔地区居住1mo后与平原地区比较泪液基础分泌量有显著差异。
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AIM:To measure fundamental secretion of tears in young and middle-aged people with Han nationality in Xi'an, and the fundamental secretion of tears in the same samples after they inhabited in 4 300 meter region for 1mo, in order to provide the foundation for further research on prevention and interventions of dry eye in crowd from plain to high altitude region.
METHODS:The 43 normal volunteers with 86 eyes were conducted with the Schirmer test to hang the test paper at 1/3 eyelid margin. The length of stained test paper was measured after 5min. After 1mo the volunteers lived in high altitude region, the same test was conducted binocularly.
RESULTS:The length of stained test paper in young and middle-aged people with Han nationality was 14.21±3.32mm in Xi'an. And then significantly increased to 20.10±6.62mm after 1mo they lived in high altitudes region.
CONCLUSION:There is significant difference of fundamental secretion of tears between the people in Xi'an and those in other areas. Also there is significant difference of fundamental secretion of tears in people before and after living in Plateau.