方法:回顾2012-01/2013-12在我院小儿眼科与斜弱视专科确诊为屈光不正性弱视,并进行集中综合训练的弱视儿童708例1 416眼,对其屈光状态进行流行病学分析。
结果:弱视儿童708例1 416眼中,远视190眼(13.42%),远视散光612眼(43.22%),近视18眼(1.27%),近视散光134眼(9.46%),混合散光462眼(32.63%)。不同年龄组的弱视儿童的屈光状态分布不同,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。屈光不正引起的弱视大多为轻到中度弱视(1 276眼,90.11%),重度弱视以远视性散光为主(82眼,5.79%),散光以顺规性为多(1 046眼,86.59%)。
[Key word]
AIM: To analyze the refractive state and explore the epidemiologic feature of children with ametropic amblyopia.
METHODS: This study retrospectively analyzed 708 children(1 416 eyes)with amblyopia from January 2012 to December 2013 in Special Department of Strabismus and Amblyopic and Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology in our hospital, who were diagnosed as ametropic amblyopia and accepted centrally comprehensive training. The refractive state were given epidemiologic analyze.
RESULTS: In the 708 cases(1 416 eyes), there were 190 eyes with hyperopia(13.42%),612 eyes with hyperopia astigmatism(43.22%),18 eyes with myopia(1.27%),134 eyes with myopia astigmatism(9.46%),462 eyes with mixed astigmatism(32.63%). The distributions of refractive state in children at different age were different, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Amblyopia caused by refrative error were mostly mild and moderate(1 276 eyes,90.11%),while the hyperopic astigmatism was predominate in children with severe amblyopia(82 eyes, 5.79%). The astigmatism was mainly with the rule(1 046 eyes, 86.59%).
CONCLUSION: Hyperopia ametropia and mixed astigmatism are the main types of refractive errors in amblyopia children. The level of amblyopia is related to refractive state and astigmatism axial.