视网膜色素上皮(retinal pigment epithelial,RPE)由一单层排列整齐的六角形细胞所组成,位于视网膜光感受器细胞层和脉络膜的Bruch's膜之间,其形态及功能的正常维持对于光感受器细胞至关重要,具有维持选择性转运营养和代谢物质、表达分泌多种生长因子、参与视循环、维持血-视网膜屏障和吞噬光感受器细胞脱落的外节盘膜等重要生理功能。RPE细胞所构成的血-视网膜外屏障对于视网膜稳态的维持必不可少,其功能异常与许多眼底新生血管性疾病密切相关。本文对RPE正常结构、分泌生长因子、血-视网膜屏障功能、抗新生血管等方面进行综述。
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The retinal pigment epithelial(RPE)is composed of a monolayer of cuboidal cells lying between the retinal photoreceptor and the Bruch's membrane of the choroids. The normality in morphology and function of RPE is essential for photoreceptor. RPE cells have the functions of selectively transporting nutrition, metabolic end products, ions and excess water, expressing and secreting various growth factors, involved in visual cycle, maintaining the blood-retinal barrier and phagocytosis of shed outer segments of photoreceptor cells. The blood-retinal barrier is indispensable for the maintaince of the retina homeostasis, so the dysfunction of the RPE cells contributes to variety of intraocular neovascular diease. This article reviews the roles of RPE in normal structure, secreting growth factors, maintaining the blood-retinal barrier and anti-angiogenesis.
2014年沈阳市科学技术项目计划(No.F14-208-6-00); 沈阳市科技计划项目(No.F12-277-1-64)