目的:调查成都市白内障、青光眼及年龄相关黄斑变性(age-related macular degeneration, AMD)知晓率、知识水平及自报患病率情况。
结果:在所有调查对象中,白内障、青光眼及AMD的知晓率分别为89.9%, 68.9% 和12.5%; 在知晓相应疾病的人群中,具有一定知识水平的比例分别为70.9%, 48.1% 和44.9%; 教育程度影响三种眼病的知晓率,信息来源影响三种眼病的知识水平。白内障、青光眼及AMD 的自报患病所占比例分别为7.8%, 1.1%和 0.6%,40岁以上调查对象中分别为12.5%, 1.6%和 1.0%。在所有调查对象中,进行过视力测试、眼压测量及眼底检查的比例分别为72.1%, 17.9%和20.2%。
[Key word]
AIM:To investigate the awareness, knowledge and self-reported prevalence about the cataract, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration(AMD)in Chengdu, China.
METHODS:A structured questionnaire was first designed on the awareness and knowledge of the cataract, glaucoma, and AMD. The survey was then conducted in 6 randomly selected nursing homes from Chengdu and in outpatient clinics of non-ophthalmologic departments of West China Hospital with the questionnaire. Chi-square test was applied to determine a certain factor's impact on the awareness or knowledge rates and to determine the difference between awareness rates in our research and others' studies.
RESULTS:Of the participants, the awareness rates of the cataract, glaucoma and AMD were 89.9%, 68.9% and 12.5% respectively. Among the people aware of each disease, the knowledge rates of the cataract, glaucoma and AMD were 70.9%, 48.1% and 44.9%. Educational level was a factor affecting awareness rates of all three diseases; information source was a factor affecting the knowledge rates of each ocular disease. The self-reported prevalence of the cataract, glaucoma and AMD were 7.8%, 1.1%, 0.6% in all participants, and 12.5%, 1.6%, 1.0% in the participants over 40. The proportions of the participants having taken the visual acuity test, intraocular pressure examination, and fundus examination were 72.1%, 17.9%, and 20.2%.
CONCLUSION:According to the data firstly reported in mainland China in our study, it is necessary to improve people's awareness and knowledge of the cataract, glaucoma, and AMD, especially the latter two. Meanwhile, we suggest people taking regular ophthalmologic examinations even without a history of eye diseases.
国家自然科学基金(No. 81270993)