白内障术后人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)屈光度数误差是白内障手术医生面临的重要临床问题,严重影响患者的术后视觉质量及手术满意度。可调控屈光度人工晶状体(adjustable IOL)的提出为白内障医生解决这一问题提供了新的途径。本文拟从可调控屈光度IOL的概念、临床意义及几种可调控屈光度IOL的设计及研究等方面进行介绍。可调控屈光度IOL将会给白内障手术带来新的技术革新。
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Despite the many advances in cataract surgery, incorrect intraocular lens(IOL)power remains a significant clinical problem which seriously affects the postoperative visual quality and satisfaction. Adjustable intraocular lens can be adjusted to provide a new way to solve this problem. The general concepts and clinical significances of adjustable IOL, as well as the designs and studies of several kinds of adjustable IOL, are described in this review. Adjustable IOL will give a new technological innovation to the cataract surgery to improve outcomes and increase expectations.
辽宁省科技计划重点项目(No. 2012225012)