结果:术后所有患者视力均有不同程度的提高,前房深度恢复正常,未发生严重角膜散光及眼前节缺血等手术并发症。13眼中有11眼(85%)经1次手术睫状体分离完全复位,另2眼(15%)分别在30d及35d行第二次手术后复位; 术后出现高眼压8眼,经药物治疗7眼恢复正常,1眼应用降眼压药物控制。
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AIM:To explore the operation methods and effects for wide range cyclodialysis(≥180°)sutured under the interrupted scleral flaps.
METHODS:Thirteen patients(13 eyes)with wide range traumatic cyclodialysis received surgeries. Intermittent lamellar scleral flaps were made in the region of cyclodialysis. Each flap was 5mm wide, and the distance between two flaps was 2mm. Then the deep lamellar was cut 1.5mm behind the limbus and the cyclodialysis was sutured. Intraocular pressure, visual acuity, anterior chamber depth and complications after the surgery were observed. The follow-up time was 3~6mo.
RESULTS:The visual acuity of all patients improved to varying degrees, the anterior chamber depth returned to normal, and no obvious complications such as severe corneal astigmatism, anterior segment ischemia or others occurred in all patients after the surgery. The cyclodialysis was completely fixed in 11 eyes(85%, 13 eyes in total)after the first operation. And the cyclodialysis was completely fixed in other 2 eyes(15%)after the second operation on 30d and 35d respectively. Postoperative ocular hypertension occurred in 8 eyes. Seven eyes recovered after giving medication and one eye received sustained intraocular pressure lowering drugs.
CONCLUSION:The operation of wide range cyclodialysis sutured under the interrupted scleral flaps is simple, effective and reliable, and can reduce the occurrence of complications. It is an ideal operation method.