方法:对58例116眼经泪膜破裂时间(tear break-up time,BUT)、泪液分泌试验(Schirmer Ⅰ test,SⅠt)、泪河高度、角膜荧光染色、睑板腺功能检查方法确诊为干眼症的儿童患者进行人工泪液治疗,疗程为1mo,复查时再次行上述检查,对各观察指标进行统计分析。
结果:儿童干眼症患者58例116眼治疗前BUT为6.03±1.19s,SⅠt为7.67±2.32mm/5min,泪河高度为0.20±0.02mm,角膜荧光染色为1.02±0.13分,睑板腺功能评分为2.45±0.86分。其中31例62眼为脂质缺乏型干眼、20例40眼为水液缺乏型干眼、7例14眼为其他类型。根据其分型,给予相应的人工泪液治疗,治疗1mo后患者的临床症状明显改善,BUT为13.72±1.83s,SⅠt为 12.38±3.64mm/5min,泪河高度为0.36±0.08mm,角膜荧光染色为0.03±0.24分,睑板腺功能评分为1.57±0.93分。各观察指标与治疗前相比,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。所有患者在治疗期间均未出现任何不良反应。
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AIM:To observe the efficacy and safety of artificial tears for children xerophthalmia.
METHODS:Fifty-eight cases with 116 eyes were diagnosed as xerophthalmia by tear break-up time(BUT), Schirmer Ⅰ test(SⅠt), tear meniscus height, corneal staining, meibomian gland function test and were given artificial tears therapy for 1mo. Then the aforementioned tests were conducted again for statistical analysis.
RESULTS:The mean BUT of all the children before treatments was 6.03±1.19s, SⅠt was 7.67±2.32mm/5min, tear meniscus height was 0.20±0.02mm, corneal staining was 1.02±0.13 scores and meibomian gland function was 2.45±0.86 scores. Sixty-two eyes in 31 cases were the lipid-deficient type, 40 eyes in 20 cases were aqueous-deficient type, and 14 eyes in 7 cases were other types. According to their types, corresponding artificial tears therapy was given. At 1mo after treatments, the clinical symptoms were improved significantly. BUT was 13.72±1.83s, SⅠt was 12.38±3.64mm/5min, tear meniscus height was 0.36±0.08mm, corneal fluorescein staining was 0.03±0.24 scores and meibomian gland function was 1.57±0.93 scores. Compared with those before treatments, the difference of each observed indicators was statistically significant(P<0.05). No patient experienced any adverse reactions during treatments.
CONCLUSION:Artificial tears treatment for children xerophthalmia is safe and effective.