目的:分析新型的非侵入性眼表综合分析仪Keratograph 5M在指导干眼个体化治疗中的临床应用及价值。
方法:同一天于我院眼表疾病专科就诊并诊断为干眼的患者16例,利用非侵入性眼表综合分析仪Keratograph 5M对患者进行泪膜破裂时间(BUT)、泪河高度测定以及行睑板腺检查。根据结果进行个体化治疗,并于治疗2wk后复查。将患者治疗前后的BUT、泪河高度、睑板腺缺失面积评分进行统计分析。
[Key word]
AIM:To investigate the clinical application of Keratography 5M in the diagnosis and individualized treatment of dry eye patients.
METHODS:Sixteen patients who were diagnosed with dry eye in the same day were included. Tear film break-up time(BUT), lacrimal river height, and the meibomian glands were measured with a latest Keratography 5M. The patients received individualized treatment according to the examination and then recheck the items mentioned above 2wk post-treatment. The items were used for statistical analysis.
RESULTS:The scores of all subjects were 0.276±0.073mm for lacrimal river height, 6.343±3.304s for BUT, 3.78±1.36scores for deficiency area of meibomian glands in the first check-up and 0.292±0.065mm,8.876±3.670s,2.25±1.16scores respectively at 2wk post-treatment. The BUT and deficiency area of meibomian glands were both statistically significantly.
CONCLUSION:The noninvasive Keratography 5M is a conveinent and atraumatic tool in the diagnosis and treatment for dry eye. It can evaluate the treatment effectiveness objectively and systematically.