方法:收集2012-06/2015-01来我院就诊的3~13岁年龄段的近视患者36例69眼,其中男16例30眼,女20例39眼 ,双眼经阿托品散瞳验光后根据等效球镜度数分为三组,其中高度近视组(>-6.00D)30眼,中度近视组(-3.00~-6.00D)24眼,轻度近视组(<-3.00D)15眼; 根据年龄分为两组,其中学龄前组(<6岁)21眼,青少年组(≥6岁)48眼。均口服递法明片,使用前及使用后6mo自身对比分析等效球镜度数、最佳矫正视力、眼轴长度、角膜曲率半径、并计算眼轴(axial length, AL)和平均角膜曲率半径(curvatures radius of cornea, CR)的比值(AL/CR)。
结果:服用递法明片后6mo内,轻度和中度近视儿童患者的等效球镜度数、眼轴和AL/CR均较服药前有增加,但只有中度近视儿童患者有统计学意义( P<0.05); 高度近视儿童患者等效球镜度数、眼轴较服药前有增加,AL/CR无明显变化,均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。学龄前组和青少年组等效球镜度数、眼轴和AL/CR均较服药前增加,但只有学龄前组眼轴和AL/CR差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
结论:短期口服递法明对于儿童的轻度和重度近视的进展有一定的控制作用,但是对于儿童的中度近视控制作用不明显; 同时短期口服对青少年近视进展控制有一定的作用,但是对学龄前儿童近视进展控制作用不明显。
[Key word]
AIM:To retrospectively analyze the myopia progression in children after oral delivery of Difrarel for 6mo.
METHODS:Collecting myopic children aged 3~13 in our hospital from June 2012 to January 2015, 36 cases(69 eyes)included, 16 males(30 eyes)and 20 females(39 eyes). After dilated by atropine eye ointment, all cases were divided into three groups according to the spherical equivalent degree. There were 30 eyes in high myopia group(>-6.00D),24 eyes in moderate myopia group(-3.00~-6.00D)and 15 eyes in mild myopia group(<-3.00D).Meanwhile all cases divided into two groups according to the age. There were 21 eyes in preschool children group(<6 years old),48 eyes in juvenile group(≥6 years old).The spherical equivalent degree,best corrected visual acuity, axial length(AL),curvatures radius of cornea(CR), the AL/CR were self-comparative analyzed before and after 6mo of oral delivery Difrarel.
RESULTS:The spherical equivalent degree, AL and AL/CR increased in mild and moderate myopia group after oral delivery of Difrarel for 6mo, but had found statistically significant differences in moderate myopia group only(P<0.05). The spherical equivalent degree and AL increased in high myopia group also, but no change in AL/CR, and all had no significant differences in high myopia group(P>0.05). The spherical equivalent degree, AL and AL/CR increased in preschool children group and juvenile group,but only AL and AL/CR had found statistically significant differences in preschool children group(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION:Short-term oral delivery of Difrarel in children can control the progression of mild and high myopia, but have no effect on moderate myopia; and short-term oral delivery of Difrarel in children can control the progression of juvenile myopia, but have no effect on preschool myopia.
2013年深圳市科技计划项目(No.201303101); 2014年深圳市科技计划国际合作研究项目资助(No.GJHZ20140415174819514)