结果:不同组间弱视儿童的临床治愈率存在统计学差异(P<0.05); 随着患儿年龄增大,临床治疗效果越差。不同弱视类型间的治愈率不完全相同,其治愈率组间比较结果为:近视弱视组<散光弱视组<远视弱视组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同弱视程度组间临床疗效存在统计学差异(P<0.05),随着弱视程度的加重,临床治愈率不断下降。
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AIM:To study the refraction status in 354 amblyopia children and to investigate the related influence factors for the treatment effect.
METHODS:Three hundred and fifty-four children diagnosed as ametropia amblyopia from January 2010 to June 2015 in our hospital were selected. The children were divided into groups according to the children's age, refraction types of amblyopia and degree of amblyopia. The clinical treatment effect of different groups was compared.
RESULTS:The cure rate for amblyopia children in different groups was significantly different(P<0.05); as the ages of children increasing, the cure rate was gradually reduced. The cure rate for children with different amblyopia types was not totally the same. The cure rate of different groups was sorted from low to high:myopia groupP<0.05); the clinical efficacy for children with different amblyopia degrees was significantly different(P<0.05). As the amblyopia degrees increasing, the cure rate was also constantly declined.CONCLUSION:The treatment effect of ametropia amblyopia is correlated with the children's age, types of amblyopia and degree of amblyopia. It has a poor treatment effect for the older children with severe myopia and amblyopia.