光学相干断层扫描血管成像技术(optical coherence tomography angiography,OCTA)是近年来光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)的新兴技术,是一种无创、快速、高分辨率的眼底血管成像技术,现已被逐渐应用于各类眼底血管疾病的诊治及随访,如糖尿病视网膜病变、脉络膜新生血管等。OCTA拥有能分层观察不同层面的视网膜脉络膜血管结构及形态和量化一定范围内的血流指数及病灶血流面积的独特优势。但OCTA存在观察视网膜范围有限、观察视网膜血管屏障功能有限、要求高固视力高配合度等不足,如果克服这些局限,将有助于我们提升对视网膜血管疾病的认识,完善对视网膜血管疾病的诊治和观察。
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Optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA)is a new emerging technology of the optical coherence tomography(OCT)in recent years. It's a noninvasive and fast retinal vascular imaging technology with high resolution, and has been gradually applied to make diagnosis, gives treatment and follow-up for various types of retinal vascular diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, choroid neovascularization, etc. OCTA has the unique advantages of layered observing the structure and shape of the chorioretinal vascular at different levels, and quantifying the blood flow index of designated scope and the flow area of lesions. However, OCTA requires high solid vision and good cooperation of patients, even has the limitations to observe the retinal scope and retinal vascular barrier function. With overcoming these limitations, it's helpful for us to improve the understanding of retinal vascular diseases, consummate the diagnosis and treatment and observation of retinal vascular diseases.