方法:采用随机整群抽样调查方法。抽取南郑县农村50名6~7岁一年级学生进行沙眼快速评估,城区3~6岁学龄前儿童1 533名进行扩大筛查。所有被调查对象均在2.5倍放大镜下进行临床检查和WHO表格记录,沙眼诊断标准按照世界卫生组织(WHO)制定的沙眼简化分级系统。沙眼患病率的比较采用χ2检验进行分析。
结果:对50名农村6~7岁学生(男26例,女24例)的快速评估中,未检出活动性沙眼病例。城区受检1 533名学龄前儿童,亦未检出活动性沙眼,并且无沙眼性倒睫和角膜混浊病例发生。
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AIM: To survey the prevalence of trachoma in children in Nanzheng County of Shaanxi Province and provide the basis for the prevention and treatment.
METHODS: An epidemiological survey was carried out in Nanzheng County in 2013. Children aged 3~7 years were selected by a cluster sampling. Fifty elementary school children and 1 533 preschool children were selected for rapid assessment and extend screening of trachoma. All children were examined under magnifying glass by oculist. A simplified trachoma classification system which was recommended by the World Health Organization was adopted in the survey. Statistical significance was calculated using Chi-square tests.
RESULTS: For the 50 students aged 6~7 in rural area, there was no active trachoma cases in rapid assessment. In the extended screening in 1 533 children aged 3~6 in country town, no case of active trachoma, trachomatous trichiasis or corneal diseases were examined.
CONCLUSION: No active trachoma case was detected in Nanzheng county,which was far below the proportion of 5% in non endemic area according to the WHO criteria and is not a public health problem in Shaanxi province.