方法:前瞻性对照研究。 选取我院行单眼白内障超声乳化吸除并植入人工晶状体患者46例。高血压组24名,正常血压组22名,年龄>60岁。分别于术前、术后4h与术后1d行彩色多普勒超声诊断仪(color Doppler imagining, CDI)检查患者术眼球后血流。检测指标包括眼动脉(OA)、视网膜中央动脉(CRA)、睫状后动脉(PCA)的阻力指数(RI)、最大收缩期血流速度(PSV)、舒张末期血流速度(EDV)。不同时间点比较采用Mann-Whitney Test方法。
结果:两组球后血流的RI在术后4h及术后1d均保持稳定。术后4h,高血压患者PCA的PSV轻度降低,而正常血压患者轻度升高,两组间无统计学差异(10.22±4.39 vs 11.73±4.69,P=0.089)。高血压组患者的CRA的PSV和EDV在各时间点均低于正常血压组患者,但均无显著差异。高血压组术后4h的PCA的EDV较术前有显著差异(3.23±1.10 vs 3.63±1.15,P=0.036)。
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AIM:To evaluate retrobulbar ocular blood flow changes after phacoemulsification.
METHODS:Prospective consecutive study. Forty-six eyes from 46 cataract patients scheduled for phacoemulsification surgery at Affiliated Eye Hospital, Wenzhou Medical College were recruited, of which 22 patients with normal blood pressure and 24 patients with hypertension. All eyes were examined by a color Doppler imaging at before, 4h, 1d after surgery. Resistance indexes(RIs), peak systolic flow velocity(PSV), end-diastolic flow velocity(EDV)were assessed in the ophthalmic artery(OA), central retinal artery(CRA), and short posterior ciliary arteries(PCA).
RESULTS:RIs of a retrobulbar ocular vessels are stable at 4h and 1d in both group postoperatively. A slight decrease in PSV of PCA in hypertension patients, while a slightly increase in normal patients at 4h postoperatively was observed(10.22±4.39 vs 11.73±4.69). There were no significant difference between them(P=0.089). PSV and EDV in CRA are lower in hypertension patients but without statistical significance compared with normal patients. There was a statistically significant decrease in EDV of the PCA in hypertension patients at 4h postoperatively compared with preoperatively(3.23±1.10 vs 3.63±1.15,P=0.036).
CONCLUSION:Retinal blood flow was disturbed at super-early after phacoemulsification. Age and hypertension are important risk factors to phacoemusification.