方法:选取14只健康猕猴,4只双眼注射贝伐单抗,4只双眼注射雷珠单抗,4只双眼注射阿柏西晋,每种注射药物的4只猴双眼分别于注射药物后第一天和第七天分别摘除2只猴的眼球,剩余2只未注射任何药物猴的双眼作为对照。所有摘除后的眼球福尔马林固定,石蜡包埋,切片后给予抗VEGF抗体,用光学显微镜观察,经Image-Pro Plus软件处理图片,用JMP10.0进行统计学分析。
结果:这三种药物均能降低视网膜色素上皮(RPE)和光感受器內节(inner segment)的VEGF水平,贝伐单抗作用在三种药物中作用最强,雷珠单抗在注射后第一天与阿柏西晋注射后第一天相比,雷珠单抗作用较强,但二者在注射后第七天,作用基本相似。
结论:这三种药物均能降低RPE和inner segment的VEGF水平。
[Key word]
AIM: To compare the effects on the retina inner segment and retinal pigment epithelium(RPE)of intravitreally injecting bevacizumab, ranibizumab and aflibercept into monkey eyes.
METHODS: Fourteen healthy cynomolgus monkeys(Macaca fascicularis, aged 3-8y,10 males,4 females)were raised at the Covance Laboratories under standard conditions. The 14 monkeys were grouped into 4 groups. Three of the groups with 4 monkeys each were injected intravitreally with one of the drugs, either bevacizumab, ranibizumab or aflibercept, while the 4th group with 2 monkeys served as a negative control. On 1d and 7d of injection, 2 monkeys from each drug treatment group were sacrificed under general anaesthesia and the 4 eyes were enucleated. All the enucleated eyes were fixed in formalin, embedded in paraffin wax, cut into 4.0 μm sections and deparaffinized according to standard procedures. Image-Pro Plus was used for all the photos to measure the content of vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)in the inner segment and RPE. The ANOVA test from JMP10.0 statistical program was used to evaluate the results.
RESULTS: Retinal sections were checked for their anti-VEGF immune reactivity. The untreated control samples had the highest level of VEGF in the RPE and inner segment. All of these three drugs can reduce the level of VEGF in the RPE and inner segment, but Avastin seems to be more effective than Eylea in this regard. Lucentis treatment at 1d seems to be more effective than Eylea at VEGF 1d. But at 7d, both Lucentis and Eylea have the same effect on reducing VEGF expression level in the RPE and inner segment.
CONCLUSION: All of these three drugs can reduce the level of VEGF in the RPE and inner segment.