目的:应用间歇性外斜视患者生存质量量表(intermittent exotropia questionnaire,IXTQ)研究间歇性外斜视患儿的生存质量状态,评估斜视手术对其生存质量的改善情况。
方法:本研究为前瞻性研究。选择5~17岁的42例间歇性外斜视患儿作为病例组,另外选择非间歇性外斜视患儿42例为对照组,采用中文版间歇性外斜视患者生存质量量表进行问卷调查,分别比较病例组和对照组儿童、间歇性外斜视患儿术前1d与术后3mo以及对照组与病例组患儿术后3mo的Child IXTQ评分,分析生存质量差异以及手术对其生存质量的改善情况。
结果:对照组儿童Child IXTQ各维度评分及总评分都明显高于病例组患儿,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01); 除了条目“小伙伴们因为我的眼睛取笑我”和“我因为眼睛觉得交朋友很难”无显著性统计学差异外(P>0.05),各条目比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05); 病例组术后3mo各维度评分及总评分都明显高于术前1d,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01); 术后患儿Child IXTQ各维度评分及总评分仍低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM:To investigate health-related quality of life(HRQOL)state in children with intermittent exotropia using the Intermittent Exotropia Questionnaire(IXTQ)and research the effect of strabismus surgeries on HRQOL.
METHODS:In this prospective study, we chose 42 patients with intermittent exotropia(aged 5-17 years)as case group, and 42 patients(aged 5-17 years)as control group. The Chinese IXTQ was used to evaluate HRQOL at 1d preoperatively and 3mo postoperatively in the two groups, and the differences of the two groups before and after surgery and the effect of strabismus surgery on HRQOL were analyzed.
RESULTS:The scores of HRQOL in control group were statistically significant higher than that of case group(P<0.01). Every items showed a statistically significant difference except on “Kids tease me because of my eyes” and “ My eyes make it hard for me to make friends”(P<0.05).At 3mo postoperatively,the scores of HRQOL in case group significantly increased than that at 1d preoperatively(P<0.01). Child IXTQ of case group was lower on every items than those of control group after surgery(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION:Intermittent exotropia could affect the HRQOL in psychosocial and visual functional. The greatest HRQOL concerns for children with intermittent exotropia were shutting one eye when sunny, waiting for their eyes to clear up instead of taunts and friendship. The surgical treatment could improve HRQOL in children with intermittent exotropia.