目的:探讨A超、超声生物显微镜(ultrasonic biological microscope,UBM)及眼前节分析仪(Pentacam)测量原发性急性闭角型青光眼(acute primary angle-closure glaucoma,APACG)中央前房深度(central anterior chamber depth,ACD)的研究。
[Key word]
AIM: To investigate the measurement of central anterior chamber depth(ACD)in patients with acute primary angle-closure glaucoma(APACG)with A-scan ultrasound, Pentacam and ultrasonic biological microscope(UBM).
METHODS: Thirty-five patients(35 eyes)with APACG were selected, of whom central ACD were measured with A-scan ultrasound, Pentacam and UBM.
RESULTS: The measurement values of ACD with A-scan ultrasound, UBM and Pentacam were 1.5633±0.2089, 1.5783±0.2067, 1.6275±0.2296mm, which was equal variance tested by the homogeneity of variance,and was significant different by multiple comparision(F=4.074, P=0.026). The difference of ACD between the two groups of A-scan ultrasound and UBM, A-scan ultrasound and Pentacam, UBM and Pentacam were statistically significant(P=0.032, 0.023, 0.012). Altman-Bland analysis showed that the three methods were not consistent with each other.
CONCLUSION: The ACD value of the APACG with the three methods is the largest using Pentacam, followed by UBM and A-scan ultrasound. In clinical the three methods with different advantages can complement each other, but cannot be replaced. In order to obtain more accurate results, we should combine the advantage and make comprehensive analysis.