通过全基因组的分析揭示了90%人类基因是被转录的。然而,大约只有1% RNA转录子可以编码蛋白质,其他的是非编码RNA。非编码RNA按照长度可以大致地被区分为小非编码RNA(<200nt),包括微小RNA、转运RNA、核仁小RNA等; 长链RNA(>200nt)包括核糖体RNA,自然反义转录子,和其他的长链非编码RNA等。尽管生物信息学及生物活性分析已经使很多小非编码RNA的功能得到开发,但是我们对于长链非编码RNA(LncRNA)却知之甚少。LncRNAs在调节基因转录、转录后翻译,表观遗传学水平扮演多个角色。LncRNAs异常表达可能发生在各种病理过程中,许多LncRNAs特异表达都与眼科疾病的发生和治疗效果不佳明显相关。在本文中,我们将对眼科常见疾病相关LncRNAs的功能特点和调控作用进行综述。
[Key word]
Advances in genome-wide analysis have revealed that up to 90% of the human genome is transcribed. However, only approximately 1% of RNA transcripts encode proteins, and the remaining transcripts are noncoding RNAs. Noncoding RNAs can be roughly divided into small noncoding RNAs(<200nt)and long noncoding RNAs(LncRNAs, >200nt). Small noncoding RNAs include microRNAs, transfer RNAs and small nucleolar RNAs, whereas the long noncoding RNAs comprise ribosomal RNA, natural antisense transcripts, etc. Although the biosynthesis and biological activities of microRNAs are well studied through bioinformatics and active biological molecules analysis, the understanding of LncRNAs on these aspects is still limited. LncRNAs play multiple roles in regulating gene transcription and translation, and epigenetics. Aberrant LncRNAs expression can occur in various pathological processes and significantly related to the pathogenesis or poor prognosis of ophthalmological diseases. In this review, we will focus on the characteristics and regulatory functions of LncRNAs that are commonly associated with ophthalmological diseases.
国家自然科学基金项目(No. 81470617)