全飞秒激光小切口角膜基质透镜取出术(small incision lenticule extraction,SMILE)是近年来利用飞秒激光治疗近视的新型微创角膜屈光手术方式。SMILE具有显著的安全性、有效性、稳定性及可预测性,使角膜屈光手术从此跨入全飞秒时代。随着SMILE的发展与普及,其术后临床疗效逐渐受到关注。而在SMILE的术后屈光度稳定性、术后视觉质量、角膜生物力学特性、对比敏感度、眩光、角膜知觉、干眼、角膜内皮细胞、眼压等方面仍存在一些争议,此文就以上方面做一综述。
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The small incision lenticule extraction(SMILE)with femtosecond laser is a new mode of corneal refractive surgeryrecently. The safety, efficacy, stability and predictability of SMILE lead the corneal refractive surgery to a new world that only use femtosecond laser to correct myopia. With the development and popularity of SMILE, the clinical effect has aroused much concern. But there remain exited disputes in refractive stability, visual quality and corneal biomechanical property, contrast sensitivity and glare symptoms, corneal sensitivity and dye eye, corneal endothelial cells and intraocular pressure. These will be summarized in this review.