目的:比较两种光学相干断层成像术(optical coherence tomography,OCT):血流成像光学相干断层成像术(Angio-optical coherence tomography, Angio-OCT)和傅立叶域光学相干断层成像术(Fourier domain-optical coherence tomography, FD-OCT)眼底检查的相关性及差异性。
结果:(1)两种OCT所测RNFL厚度、视盘参数及GCC厚度,总体相关性为0.7~0.8。(2)Angio-OCT 所测GCC厚度比FD-OCT所测平均值高,但其它参数如RNFL厚度、视盘面积等,Angio-OCT的测量值普遍比FD-OCT的测量值低。
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AIM: To compare the coherence and difference on the fundus examination made with two kinds of optical coherence tomography(OCT): Angio-OCT and fourier domain-optical coherence tomography(FD-OCT).
METHODS: Using Angio-OCT and FD-OCT to measure the retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL)thickness, optic parameters, and ganglion cell complexes(GCC)thickness from 20 subjects respectively. The coherence was tested with Pearson's correlation coefficient, the difference was tested with paired Student t testing.
RESULTS: The total correlation of the RNFL thickness, optic parameters, GCC thickness made with two kinds of OCT was between 0.7-0.8; the RNFL thickness, optic disk area etc. made with the Angio-OCT were lower than those made with FD-OCT except for the GCC thickness.
CONCLUSION: The results made with two kinds of OCT from the same subject has certain coherence, but cannot be compared directly.