青光眼及白内障是眼科常见的疾病,同时也是导致眼盲的两大病因。在我国,原发性闭角型青光眼(primary angle-closure glaucoma,PACG)的发病几率较高,而晶状体因素引起的瞳孔阻滞在青光眼中起着重要的因素。摘除晶状体可同时解除瞳孔阻滞。随着医学的进展,治疗闭角型青光眼及白内障已经有许多的方法。本文就闭角型青光眼合并白内障时治疗方法的进展加以综述,以期为其治疗及手术方式提供更多的参考及选择。
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Glaucoma and cataract are the common diseases in Ophthalmology. They are also two major causes of blindness. In China, the incidence probability of primary angle-closure glaucoma(PACG)is high, and the pupil occlusion caused by lens factor is very important in glaucoma pathogenic factors. Removal of the lens can also remove the fact of pupil occlusion. With the development of medicine, there are many methods for the treatment of angle closure glaucoma and cataract. This article reviews the progress of the treatment of angle closure glaucoma with co-existing cataract, in order to provide more reference and the selection for the treatment and surgical operation.