方法:采取整群随机抽样方法对桂林市下辖5区12县进行抽样调查,共抽取10 252人。登记内容包括:姓名、性别、年龄、民族、文化程度、经济状况、既往患病史、吸烟饮酒史等。登记资料及眼科检查结果输入计算机,采用SPSS 19.0软件进行统计描述。
结果:共计调查10 252人,其中男4 958人(48.4%),女5 294人(51.6%); 汉族9 218人(89.9%),少数民族1 034人(10.1%)。目前在桂林市农村地区排名前3位导致双眼视力损害和盲的眼病分别是白内障(0.7%)、黄斑病变(0.2%)、糖尿病视网膜病变(0.1%)。
结论:白内障仍是目前桂林市农村地区50岁以上人群视力损伤的主要原因。高血压、糖尿病等所致视力下降及致盲疾病的发病率有一定程度的增长。加强基础卫生教育,提高基层医疗资源仍是今后防盲、 治盲工作的重点。
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AIM: To investigate of the prevalence of visual impairment and blindness, leading causes among adults aged ≥50y in Guilin.
METHODS: Random sampling analysis was performed in 10 252 individuals chosen as the sample aged ≥50 years in 5 districts and 12 counties of Guilin. The name, sex, age, ethnic, cultural level, economic status, history of illness, smoking, drinking were recorded. General information and eye testing results were registered into computer. The results were analyzed by SPSS 19.0 software.
RESULTS:A total of 10 252 people were surveyed, including 4 958 men(48.4%), and 5 294 women(51.6%), 9 218 Han nationality people(89.9%), 1 034 minority people(10.1%). The top three blinding eye diseases in Guilin were cataract(0.7%), macular lesion(0.2%), diabetic retinopathy(0.1%).
CONCLUSION: Cataract is stillthe leading cause of vision loss among adults aged ≥50y currently in Guilin. Vision loss and blindness caused by diseases such as hypertension, diabetes incidence has a certain growing degree. Strengthening basic health education, improving the medical resources are still the key point of preventing and treating blindness work in future.