方法:回顾性分析2009-01/2012-12期间确诊为呼吸窘迫综合症的早产儿(N=252)的医疗记录。根据氧饱和度范围将患者分为高饱和度组(90%~97%; n=116)和低饱和度组(85%~93%, n=136)。并对早产儿视网膜病变的严重程度及其相关参数进行评估。
结果:早产儿视网膜病变的发生率,激光治疗的需求和进展性早产儿视网膜病变比例两组无显著差异,但低饱和度组存活率较高(P=0.005)。早产儿患者在恒温箱内多护理1d患视网膜病变几率减少1.041倍(OR=1.041; 95% CI=1.003~2.275; P=0.002),而5min内Apgar评分每多1分患病可能性降低24.7%(OR=0.753; 95% CI=0.152~0.965; P=0.033)。
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AIM: To determine the effect of lowered target oxygen saturation levels on and identify risk factors of retinopathy of prematurity(ROP)in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome(RDS).
METHODS: Medical records of consecutive preterm infants(N=252)diagnosed with RDS between Jan. 2009 and Dec. 2012 were retrospectively reviewed. The patients were divided into higher-saturation(90-97%; n=116)and lower-saturation(85-93%; n=136)groups according to their target oxygen saturation ranges. ROP severity was assessed and relevant systemic parameters were evaluated.
RESULTS: Incidence of ROP, need for laser ablation, and proportion of aggressive posterior ROP were not significantly different between the groups, but the lower-saturation group had a better survival rate(P=0.005). Patients who spent an additional day in incubator care had a 1.041 times greater chance of developing ROP(odds ratio=1.041; 95% CI=1.003-2.275; P=0.002), whereas a one-point increase in the 5min Apgar score reduced the possibility by 24.7%(odds ratio=0.753; 95% CI=0.152-0.965; P=0.033).
CONCLUSION: Target oxygen saturation levels of 85% to 93% may improve survival without affecting ROP development in infants with RDS. The relevant risk factors are duration of incubator care and 5-min Apgar score.