目的:比较同轴微切口 2.2mm与2.8mm切口白内障超声乳化手术后泪膜和眼表的变化。
方法:选取2014-06/2016-01我院接受超声乳化术的白内障患者86例106眼。采取随机分组的方式,将其分为两组,分别为A组和B组,每组各53眼。A组采用2.2mm同轴超声乳化白内障术(44例53眼),B组采用2.8mm同轴超声乳化白内障术(42例53眼)。观察两组患者的主观干燥异物感(dry eye symptom,DES)评分、泪膜破裂时间(break-up time,BUT)、泪液分泌试验(Schirmer's Ⅰ test,SⅠt)和眼睑刷上皮病变(lid-wiper epitheliopathy,LWE),比较各项结果对患者影响程度的差异。
结果:两组患者术后1wk,1、3mo时的BUT与术前相比,均低于术前,其差异具有统计学意义(t= 3.098、4.512、4.329,均P<0.05),且A组高于B组; 两组患者术后1wk和1、3mo时的DES评分与术前相比,均高于术前,其差异具有统计学意义(t=-9.449、-10.029、-7.141,均P<0.05),且A组低于B组; 两组患者术后1wk和1、3mo时的 SⅠt与术前相比均高于术前,其差异具有统计学意义(t=-6.293、-4.009、 -3.283,均P<0.05),且A组低于B组; 两组患者术后1wk和1、3mo时的LWE与术前相比,均高于术前,其差异均具有统计学意义(t=-6.542、-5.125、 -3.632,均P<0.05),且A组低于B组。术后6mo时,A组患者的BUT、DES评分、SⅠt 和LWE与术前比较,差异无统计学意义(t=0.659、1.276、0.548、0.169,均P>0.05); B组患者的BUT、DES评分、SⅠt 和LWE与术前比较,差异具有统计学意义(t=-4.063、7.306、3.621、4.208,均P<0.05)。
[Key word]
AIM:To study the changes of tear film and ocular surface after the coaxial micro incision 2.2mm and 2.8mm in the phacoemulsification.
METHODS:Eighty-six patients(One hundred and six eyes)from 2014/06 to 2016/01 in our hospital were enrolled. The patients were randomly divided into two groups. Forty-four patients(Fifty-three eyes)in group A: coaxial 2.2mm micro-incision phacoemulsification cataract extraction and intraocular lens(IOL)implantation; Forty-two patients(Fifty-three eyes)in group B: the conventional coaxial 2.8mm small incision phacoemulsification cataract extraction and IOL implantation. The break up time(BUT), dry eye symptom(DES)score, Schirmer's I test(SⅠt)and lid-wiper epitheliopathy(LWE)score were assessed preoperatively and postoperatively.
RESULTS: At 1wk, 1 and 2mo postoperatively, the BUT in two groups decreased after operations, and the BUT of group B was significantly lower than those of group A, the differences were statistically significant(t=3.098, 4.512, 4.329; all P<0.05). The DES score in two groups increased, the DES score of group B was significantly higher than those of group A and the differences were statistically significant(t=-9.449, -10.029, -7.141; all P<0.05). The SⅠt in two groups increased after operations, the SⅠt of group B was significantly higher than those of group A and the differences were statistically significant(t=-6.293, -4.009, -3.283; all P<0.05). The LWE score in two groups increased after operations, the LWE score of group B was significantly higher than those of group A and the differences were statistically significant(t=-6.542, -5.125, -3.632; all P<0.05). At 6mo postoperatively, compared with the preoperative data, the BUT, DES score, SⅠt and LWE score in group A showed no statistically significant differences(t=0.659, 1.276, 0.548, 0.169; P>0.05). The BUT, DES score, SⅠt and LWE score in group B showed statistically significant differences(t=-4.063, 7.306, 3.621, 4.208; all P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Ocular surface has less damage and tear film has little influence at early stage after the coaxial 2.2mm microincision phacoemulsification, compared with the conventional coaxial 2.8mm incision phacoemulsification surgery.