目的:评价以病例为基础的教学法(case-based learning,CBL)在眼科学教学实践中的作用。
[Key word]
AIM: To evaluate the case-based learning(CBL)in ophthalmology teaching practice.
METHODS: A total of 88 students were taught by the combination of lecture-based teaching with CBL form of sensory organs in Jinzhou Medical Teaching Classes. After class, the questionnaire was filled by each student to evaluate the CBL teaching mode.
RESULTS: The description of the data was analyzed as a percentage of each option. All the students were taught by CBL at the end of the class, most of the students could accept the teaching mode, it was helpful for students to understand the principle of clinical treatment, increased the interest in the process of teaching. And it was conducive to review the knowledge and exercise clinical case analysis ability. And it could recognize the ophthalmic diseases and special auxiliary examination. CBL teaching mode could stimulate students' interest in learning ophthalmology, it was beneficial to the cultivation of theory combined with practice and clinical thinking.
CONCLUSION: CBL teaching mode can be used as an auxiliary teaching lecture-based learning teaching.