目的:评价新型Ziemer LDV Z6纳焦飞秒激光机(简称“Z6飞秒”)制作角膜瓣的LASIK手术效果。
方法:随机抽取我院2015-06/12飞秒制瓣LASIK手术患者200例400眼,其中Z6飞秒制瓣200眼(Z6组),传统Ziemer LDV CrystalLine纳焦飞秒激光机(简称“CrystalLine飞秒”)制瓣200眼(CrystalLine组)。比较两组患者在术前、术后不同时间的视力、屈光度、Sim-K平均值、裂隙灯表现、眼压、非侵袭平均泪膜破裂时间(NIAvg-BUT)、手术操作难易度等方面的差异。
结果:两组患者在术前和术后6mo时的视力、屈光度、Sim-K平均值、眼压、NIAvg-BUT等方面无统计学差异(P>0.05)。Z6组的部分患者在术中掀瓣方面有一定难度,术中不透明气泡层和不完全切割的发生率较高(P< 0.05),但无严重并发症发生。术后裂隙灯下观察,Z6组患者角膜瓣边界比CrystalLine组更容易辨认。
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AIM:To evaluate the clinical effects of femto-LASIK using new Ziemer LDV Z6 femtosecond laser machine(Z6).
METHODS:Two-hundred cases(400 eyes)was randomly separated into two groups: Group A included 200 eyes which corneal flaps were made by Z6, and Group B included rest of 200 eyes which corneal flaps were examined by a traditional Ziemer LDV CrystalLine femtosecond laser machine(CrystalLine). Visual acuity, slit lamp, refraction, Sim-K average, intraocular pressure(IOP), non-invasive tear break-up time(NIAvg-BUT), operation difficulty and complications were compared between two groups preoperatively and postoperatively.
RESULTS:There was no significant differences between two groups in visual acuity, refraction, Sim-K average, IOP and NIAvg-BUT either preoperatively or 6mo postoperatively(P>0.05). Although there were significant differences in operation difficulty and complications were found between two groups(P<0.05), there was no serious complication in any group. Furthermore, a clear demarcation line could be observed in the cornea of Group A postoperatively.
CONCLUSION:More careful and strict requirements are needed when using the new Z6 femtosecond laser for corneal flaps.