干燥综合征(Sjögren Syndrome,SS)是一种以主要累及外分泌腺体的慢性炎症性自身免疫疾病,SS的眼部表现称为干燥性角结膜炎。尽管在过去的几年中,与其相关的基础与临床研究获得了不少进展,但其病理生理机制仍不十分明确。活体共聚焦显微镜作为一种新型光学显微镜,具有无创、高分辨率等优点,它使得人们在可以在细胞水平对角膜各层细胞、角膜神经、免疫及炎症细胞、结膜以及睑板腺结构进行观察。因此,它可以帮助人们更好地理解干燥性角结膜炎的发病机制以及病理生理,从而协助该病的诊断和治疗。本文就共焦显微镜检查在SS相关角结膜炎患者眼表形态观察中的应用作一综述。
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Sjögren's syndrome(SS)is a kind of chronic inflammation auto-immune disorder, which characterized by dysfunction and destruction of exocrine glands. The presentation of SS in eyes we called keratoconjunctivitis sicca(KCS). Although significant advances in both basic and clinical research have been made over the past years, the pathophysiological mechanisms of KCS are still imprecise. In vivo confocal microscopy(IVCM)is a newly emerging, noninvasive with high-resolution technology, which allows the observation of corneal cells, corneal nerves, immune and inflammatory cells, conjunctiva and meibomian gland structures on a cellular level. Therefore, it could improve the understanding of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of the KCS. In this study, we reviewed the articles of IVCM to obtain an integrated, morphological and functional evaluation of the whole ocular surface in KCS patients with SS.