结果:患者27例27眼治疗前平均BCVA(最小分辨角对数视力LogMAR)和CRT为0.8822±0.5601和713.8±224.8μm,末次随访时分别为0.5963±0.4481和376.7±185.5μm。其中8例CRVO患者平均注射次数为4.75次,平均随访时间为13mo,治疗前平均LogMAR视力为0.9802±0.6663,接受3次注药治疗后和末次随访时分别为0.7082±0.4629和0.8517±0.5895,治疗后视力有所提高,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05); 平均CRT治疗前为835.1±289.3μm,3次治疗后和末次随访时分别为306.8±117.7、487.5±201.6μm,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。19例BRVO患者平均注射次数为2.2,随访时间为9mo,治疗前平均LogMAR视力为0.8124±0.4529,在接受1次注药治疗后及末次随访时分别为0.4789±0.2792、0.4888±0.3163,治疗后视力明显提高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05); 平均CRT治疗前为662.7±176.6μm,1次注药治疗后及末次随访时分别为283.8±129.3、330.6±161.4μm,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。所有患者随访期间均未见明显严重并发症发生。
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AIM:To investigate the clinical therapeutic effects of intravitreous injection of Conbercept for macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusion(RVO).
METHODS:Twenty-seven eyes of 27 patients with RVO received initially intravitreous injection of Conbercept combined with selective peripheral retinal or panrentinal photocoagulation. Best-corrected visual acuity(BCVA, logMAR vision)and central retina thickness(CRT)were performed before and after the injection. These indicators before treatment, after 12wk treatment of 8 patients(8 eyes)of central retinal vein occlusion(CRVO)who received no less than three times intravitreous injection treatments were analyzed. And also analyze these indicators of before treatment, after 4wk treatment of 19 patients(19 eyes)of branch retinal vein occlusion(BRVO)who received at less singal intravitreous injection treatment.
RESULTS:The mean BCVA and CRT of 27 patients were 0.8822±0.5601,(713.8±224.8)μm and 0.5963±0.4481,(376.7±185.5)μm before treatment and at the last follow-up visit, respectively. The mean injection time was 4.75 and the mean following month was 13 of 8 patients of CRVO. Before treatment, the mean BCVA of these 8 patients(8 eyes)was 0.9802±0.6663, after received three times intravitreous injection treatment was 0.7082±0.4629 and 0.8517±0.5895 at the final follow-up. The improvement was no significant difference(P>0.05). The mean CRT at 3mo and the last follow-up were respectively(306.8±117.7)μm and(487.5±201.6)μm, which significantly(P<0.05)improved from(835.1±289.3)μm before treatment. The mean injection time of 19 patients of BRVO was 2.2 and the mean following month was 9. The mean BCVA was 0.8124±0.4529 before treatment,after received the first time intravitreous injection treatment and at the final follow-up were 0.4789±0.2792 and 0.4888±0.3163, respectively. The improvement was significantly(P<0.05). The mean CRT at 1mo and the last follow-up were(283.8±129.3)and(330.6±161.4)μm, which also significantly(P<0.05)improved from(662.7±176.6)μm before treatment. No serious complications were observed.
CONCLUSION:Intravitreous injection with Conbercept is effective in macular edema of RVO, reducing CRT and enhancing the visual acuity. And the duration of efficacy is longer of BRVO than CRVO, single injection can maintain around about 1y.