目的:观察532nm眼底激光联合和血明目片治疗患有重度非增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变(non proliferative diabetic retinopathy, NPDR)患者的疗效。
结果:两组患者在光凝治疗术后1、2mo时,治疗组患者患眼视功能恢复情况显著优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。光凝术后3mo时,治疗组与对照组患眼视功能指标之间却无显著性区别,但与对照组相比,治疗组患者在眼底渗出、视网膜出血以及水肿消退方面具有显著性优势, 差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
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AIM: To observe the clinical effect of 532nm laser combined with a traditional Chinese patent called He xue ming mu tablets in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy in patients with severe non proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
METHODS: A total of 120 patients(226 eyes)diagnosed by the clinic for severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy diabetic retinopathy patients were randomly divided into treatment group and control group. The patients underwent combined therapy defined as treatment group(Group A), the treatment process and took He xue ming mu tablets orally for 1-3mo defines a separate line. The patients with laser photocoagulation treatment as the control group(Group B). After 1, 2 and 3mo after treatment, the retinal hemorrhage and visual function of the patients in the two groups were observed, and the fundus fluorescein angiography in 3mo after treatment was observed.
RESULTS: Two groups of patients in the different treatment measures were taken after 1-2mo, patients suffering from eye visual function recovery was significantly better than the control group(P<0.05). But up to 2mo after the treatment, the treatment group and the control group eyes visual function index was no significant difference. Compared with the control group, the patients in the treatment group had significant advantages in terms of retinal hemorrhage, exudation, edema and fundus(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: The severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy diabetic retinopathy treated by laser combined with He xue ming mu tablets treatment, can effectively shorten the eyes with visual function recovery speed, and can promote the absorption of retinal hemorrhage and exudation rate, reduce the secondary damage to the laser has a certain role.