方法:选取40例配戴角膜塑形镜的近视性屈光参差患者,观察配戴前和配戴3mo后裸眼视力(uncorrected visual acuity,UCVA)、最佳矫正视力(best corrected visual acuity,BCVA)、屈光参差度、同视机双眼视功能、近立体视功能的变化。
结果:配戴前平均UCVA为4.0±0.2,BCVA为4.96±0.2,屈光参差度-4.64±1.52D; 配戴3mo后平均UCVA为4.97±0.07,BCVA为4.99±0.1,屈光参差度为0.23±0.12D; 配戴3mo后与配戴前比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。配戴前拥有同时视者36例、融合功能21例、远立体视功能13例。配戴3mo后分别为40例、36例、23例。配戴后获得融合功能和远立体视者较配戴前增加,与配戴前比较有统计学差异(P<0.05)。配戴角膜塑形镜前,框架眼镜矫正后近立体视正常者14例,近立体视异常者26例(13例黄斑立体视,7例周边立体视,6例立体盲)。配戴3mo后近立体视正常者27例,近立体视异常者13例(7例黄斑立体视,3例周边立体视,3例立体盲)。配戴后3mo的近立体视与配戴前比较,差异有统计学意义(P=0.004)。
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AIM: To analyze the effects on binocular vision after wearing Ortho K(OK)contact lens for myopic anisometropia.
METHODS: A total of 40 cases of myopic anisometropia corrected by Ortho K contact lens were collected. The average age of participants was 11.32±2.56y. The refractive error varied from -1.25D to -5.75D, on average -3.18±1.12D. The amount of myopic anisometropia was -4.64±1.52D. All the cases were followed-up for 3mo. The uncorrected visual acuity(UCVA), best corrected visual acuity(BCVA), refraction and binocular vision were checked pre-wearing Ortho K contact lens, and 3mo post wearing respectively.
RESULTS:The mean UCVA was 4.0±0.2, and BCVA was 4.96±0.2, the amount of myopic anisometropia was -4.64±1.52D pre-wearing OK contact lens. The mean UCVA was 4.97±0.07, and BCVA was 4.99±0.1, the amount of myopic anisometropia was 0.23±0.12D, at post wearing OK lens 3 months respectively. The UCVA, BCVA, the amount of myopic anisometropia at post correction was significantly difference with pre-correction(P<0.05). Before correction, 36 cases got simultaneous binocular visions, 21 cases got combined visions, 13 cases got long distance stereopsis visions. Simultaneous binocular visions existed in 40 cases, combined visions existed in 36 cases, long distance stereopsis visions existed in 23 cases post correction 3mo. Compared with pre-correction, the difference was significantly. Before correction, 14 cases had macular fovea stereo vision. Abnormal stereo vision existed in 26 cases, including 13 cases with macula stereo vision, 7 cases with peripheral stereo vision, and 6 cases with stereo vision blind. Macular fovea stereo vision was found in 27 cases, Abnormal stereo vision existed in 13 cases, including 7 cases with macula stereo vision, 3 cases with peripheral stereo vision, and 3 cases with stereo vision blind after wearing Ortho K contact lens 3mo.
CONCLUSION:Most myopic anisometropia patients can improve their visual acuity, reduce the refractive difference, and increase combined and stereopsis vision after wearing Ortho K contact lens 3mo.